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Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Sylvanian Families: Freya’s Spring Picnic Sticker Activity Book: An official Sylvanian Families sticker activity book, with over 400 stickers! Copyright © since 1995 books.com.tw All Rights Reserved.Schaum's 讓學生滿意已經 50 年了。 現在 Schaum's 的暢銷書籍推出全新版本! 在過去的半個世紀裡,超過 4000 萬名學生信賴 Schaum's 來幫助他們更快學習、更好理解,並獲得優異成績。現在,Schaum's 以全新的面貌慶祝其 50 週年,推出全新格式,包含數百道練習題,並完全更新資訊,以符合各個學科的最新發展。 Schaum's Outlines-問題解決 銷售超過 500,000 本! 線性代數是數學、工程和計算機科學專業學生的基礎課程,而第四版包含了更多與這些專業應用直接相關的問題。整本書也進行了更新,新增了有關代數系統、多項式和矩陣應用的重要附錄。 Schaum's has Satisfied Students for 50 Years. Now Schaum's Biggest Sellers are in New Editions! For half a century, more than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them study faster, learn better, and get top grades. Now Schaum's celebrates its 50th birthday with a brand-new look, a new format with hundreds of practice problems, and completely updated information to conform to the latest developments in every field of study. Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved More than 500,000 sold! Linear algebra is a foundation course for students entering mathematics, engineering, and computer science, and the fourth edition includes more problems connected directly with applications to these majors. It is also updated throughout to include new essential appendices in algebraic systems, polynomials, and matrix applications. Schaum's Outline of Linear Algebra, 4/e (Paperback) 暫譯: 線性代數薛姆大綱,第4版(平裝本)Outline Napkins 由易於熨燙的棉混紡製成,其多種顏色與撞色飾邊相結合,為任何餐桌佈置增添了輕鬆的優雅氣息。 以四件套出售。 {{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}} {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }} {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }} {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }} {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }} Outline Napkins 具有美麗的色彩和對比色裝飾,為任何餐桌佈置增添了簡單而優雅的觸感。 以四件套出售。本站購物功能已關閉,點選"購物車"圖示會自動連結到新的購書網頁! 或與LINE客服諮詢聯繫 讀者購書請至★ 滄海書局‧鼎隆圖書購書網 ★https://eshop.tsanghai.com.tw/ ★ 滄海ESHOP購書網提供更方便、快速訂購、結帳付款的購書服務,並提供數位產品購買專區~ 書籍若有教學輔助配件,僅提供採用老師教學使用,是非賣品,不販售,亦無法提供一般讀者。 Dominick Salvatore is a professor of economics at Fordham University in New York. He is the author of the textbooks Microeconomics: Theory and Applications , 4ed (2003), International Economics , 8ed (2004), Introduction to International Economics (2005), and Managerial Economics in a Global Economy , 6ed (2006). He has also written Schaum's Outline of International Economics and Schaum's Outline of Statistics and Econometrics .This is an up-to-the-minute guide to the principles and techniques of statistics, a discipline many students find intimidating and incomprehensible, which is yet required in multiple subject areas and many professions. Schaums Outline of Statistics, 4/e (Paperback) 暫譯: 施考姆統計學概要,第4版(平裝本) 這是一本最新的統計原則和技術指南,許多學生覺得這個學科令人畏懼且難以理解,但它在多個學科領域和許多職業中都是必需的。 1,802 張「outline of 4 pencils」庫存照片、向量圖與插圖任您下載,全部免版稅。 即使在家休息,去附近逛街,倒垃圾,或者去車裡取東西,雖然都會立即回家,但在戶外氣溫驟降。穿涼鞋或拖鞋很痛苦。 這時候,即使在寒冷的冬天,SUBU也會溫暖地包裹你的雙腳,讓你即使赤腳也能舒適地出門。 此外,4層鞋墊將為您帶來比在家放鬆更多的舒適感。 與之前類似的羽絨版本增加了輪廓刺繡。 讓它變得更具有設計感,有著獨特的造型,更適合日常穿搭。為計算整體星等評分與按星等細分的評分百分比,我們不會採用簡單平均值。我們的系統反而會考慮評論時間的遠近以及評論者是否在 Amazon 購買了該商品。此系統還會分析評論內容,以驗證可信度。