本處訂於114年2月15日上午10點整開放114年4~6月好水探秘行程線上預購相關 ... 風時,充氣滑水道將暫停營運。
◎為進行清潔作業,充氣滑 ...5. 學生通過資格考評和考核後,須有另外一篇大氣科學相關領域之第一作者SCI論文(該論文作者單位地址須註明為本系),始得申請博士學位考試。 (1) 每位學生需於入學後四年內通過以論文計畫書為主的預備口試(在職進修者,得延長一年)。預備口試由該生的資格考核委員會執行,若考核委員因研究進展有更動之需要,仍可依規定向系上提出申請。 (2) 口試結果分通過、不通過、條件式通過三種,條件式通過者給予在一年內重考一次之機會,不通過者得令退學。 ◎大氣系學位論文品質管考準則 (2024-04-11) ◎博士班資格考辦法 (104學年度) ◎研究生獎勵金實施辦法 (2013-03-05) ◎書卷獎同分參酌排序要點 (2020-03-20) ◎繼文RTS青年海外視野基金辦法 (2018-01-22) ◎學生論文獎助學金辦法 (2005-09-29) Yu, C.- K.* , L.- W. Cheng, C.- C. Wu, and C.- L. Tsai, 2020: Outer tropical cyclone rainbands associated with Typhoon Matmo (2014). Mon. Wea. Rev. , 148 , 2935-2952, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-20-0054.1 . (SCI, IF=3.735) Ten years after being established, the department was in a stage of slow growth. There were no significant changes in the faculty. Not until the graduate school of Atmospheric Sciences was established in 1982, did the number of faculty members increase and the department step into a rapid expansion stage again. In the 1980s, due to quick economic growth in Taiwan, the environment for teaching and research has improved. Also, the Central Weather Bureau has stepped in to a modernized and computerized stage. Meanwhile, the influence of our teachers on domestic atmospheric sciences has been more and more significant. For instance, several professors headed by Ching-yen Tsay dedicated themselves to developing a numerical weather prediction system with the Central Weather Bureau and participated in domestic weather prediction modernization. In 1987, lead by Prof. George Tai-jen Chen, all faculty and meteorological administrators conducted a Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment (TAMEX), which was designed for mesoscale meteorology of heavy rain.The graduate program offering PhD degrees was set up in July, 1987. Our department can offer complete training from the Bachelors to the PhD level. Since the studies in the atmospheric environment field have been increasingly emphasized, our department divided the graduate program in M.S. degrees into two groups. Group A majored in Atmospheric Sciences, and Group B majored in Atmospheric Environment. The establishment of Group B not only enhanced the studies in the atmospheric environment field but also offered another channel for non-major undergraduates pursuing advanced studies. From 2002, Group A has been available for graduates majoring in the Atmospheric Sciences related field while Group B is for non-majors. Thus, talent from different backgrounds can be recruited. Recently, teaching and research in both software and hardware have been improved. Endeavoring to cultivate talents in atmospheric sciences, our department has 18 full-time teachers (including 2 jointly appointed teachers), 20 students in the PhD program, 83 students in the Masters program (40 in Group A and 53 in Group B), and 140 students in the Undergraduate program. Atmospheric Science is a science which combines theory and application. Our department courses emphasize basic training in physics, mathematics, and computer science, as well as application of knowledge into the real world atmospheric problems. The courses can be divided into five categories: meteorology and dynamics, climatology, atmospheric environment, atmospheric observation, and earth science education. Because of the flexible courses, students are encouraged to explore the different categories according to their interests. Also, they are allowed to take other programs, including teacher education programs and earth science programs, as well as choose a minor or a double major. The minimum credits required by the department are 128 credits, including 18 credits of general requirements, 12 credits of general education, 66 credits of department requirements, 9 credits of department electives, and 23 credits of other electives. These regulations enable students to fully develop their potential and acquire diverse abilities. We are dedicated to cultivate Atmospheric Science talents and emphasize development in related fields including Earth Science and Computer Information, our department is top notch of local atmospheric research institutes. Some graduates pursue advanced studies, some work in meteorology-related agencies, such as the Central Weather Bureau and the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Other graduates work in meteorology, information, or environment related consulting firms. They make use of what they have learned. In response to the global trend of science integration, our ultimate goal is to teach our students a prospect of the world. In addition to acquiring professional knowledge in Atmospheric Science, we expect that they will achieve a deep insight in the environment and the Earth system as a whole, and contribute to the advancement of the brave new world. The department originated in December 1946 as the "Meteorological Research Center" of the Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture. When the Department of Geography of the College of Sciences was established in August, 1955, there were two sections in the department: a Geography Section and a Meteorology Section. Under the effort of the former chairman Prof. Yu-chin Kang, the Meteorology Section became an independent department in July, 1972, and it was named the Department of Atmospheric Sciences.Two influences evolved from having independent departments: first, the students of our department increased from less than ten to 30~40. They became a new work force for the development of atmospheric sciences. Second, several years before and after the establishment, many scholars who received complete training of modern atmospheric sciences came back to teach one after another. The research and teaching of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences have expanded from traditional Meteorology to Synoptic Meteorology, Atmospheric Dynamics, Numerical Weather Prediction, and Air Pollution. The fields of the atmospheric sciences have broadened, and the modernization of domestic atmospheric science studies have been indirectly stimulated. The Department of Atmospheric Sciences is located across from the College of Management, next to Choushan Road, on the main campus of National Taiwan University (NTU). Our unique landscape includes elegant architecture, a quiet environment, a spacious sight, a gigantic red and white observation tower, lush and spacious observing enclosure , and a spectacular spherical rawinsonde antenna. The Department is composed of three buildings. Having built in the age of Japanese colonialism, the "A block" possesses a historical air, and now contains most of the laboratories. "B block" was built in 1975, and now contains laboratories for teachers and classrooms. "C block" used to be the second and the third floors of the Atomic Energy Council. The library and computer labs are on the second floor, while the association office and the laboratories and classrooms for the graduates are on the third floor. Study rooms and group discussion rooms are also available so that the students have an environment for studying after class. Our department has a favorite pass-time: basketball. Thanks to the small basketball court, faculty and students can gather for casual pick-up games. In all, the lovely landscape, the state-of-the-art facilities, and the companionship between teachers and students bring together an excellent environment for learning! Sui, C.-H. , M. Satoh, and K. Suzuki, 2020: Precipitation efficiency and its role in cloud-radiative feedbacks to climate variability. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 98 , 261–282, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2020-024 . Hwang, W.-C., Lin, P.-H.* , and Yu, H., 2020: The development of the “Storm Tracker” and its applications for atmospheric high-resolution upper-air observations, Atmos. Meas. Tech. , 13 , 5395–5406, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-5395-2020 .這部小說講述年輕的 保羅·亞崔迪 的故事,他是公爵 雷托·亞崔迪 (Duke Leto Atreides)的繼承人和 亞崔迪家族 (House Atreides)的傳人,他和他的家庭從祖居的海洋星球卡樂丹(Caladan)搬遷到行星 厄拉科斯 (Arrakis),其又被稱為「沙丘星」(Dune)是一座貧瘠的沙漠星球,卻也是對宇宙航行至關重要的資源香料 美蘭極 (melange,又譯作「美琅脂」)之唯一的產地。 《沙丘》背景設定在遙遠的未來,由於星際旅行的普及導致社會結構的徹底改變,人類社會難以組建強大的統一政府,處於一個類似歐洲 中世紀 的 封建 星系 帝國 ,行星 封邑 由貴族統治,貴族向皇室 柯瑞諾家族 (House Corrino)效忠。 宗教 與類宗教的神秘組織有強大的影響力,可以決定皇室血脈的傳承。 小說最初從1963年到1965年分期發表於科幻雜誌《 模擬 》,並且被分成兩部更短的小說《沙丘世界》和《沙丘的先知》。 《 沙丘 》(英語: Dune )是一系列 科幻 主題的 跨媒體製作 ,包含原著小說、 影視 作品、 電腦遊戲 及 桌上型益智遊戲 等衍生作品。該部作品起源自 美國 作家 法蘭克·赫伯特 於1965年出版的 同名科幻小說 。《沙丘》一經出版就備受歡迎,獲譽為史上最偉大的科幻小說之一,多次成為 科學幻想 類別的暢銷書 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ,並接連獲得 星雲獎 、 雨果獎 。此後又創作五部後傳小說與衍生作品。 法蘭克·赫伯特於1986年逝世。1999年起,他的兒子 布賴恩·赫伯特 ( 英語 : Brian Herbert ) 聯合 凱文·J·安德森 創作數部前傳小說和兩部後傳小說,該系列作品部分借鑑法蘭克·赫伯特所留下的筆記 [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] 。 故事背景要素涉及政治、宗教、 生態學 等多元題材,從保羅與其家族、新行星以及星球原住民的命運,乃至於帕迪沙皇帝、強大的 宇航公會 和 秘密宗教團體 貝尼·潔瑟睿德女修會 ,所有變因及軸線都成為改變人類命運的進程。 在小說中的時代,因為一個稱為 巴特蘭聖戰 (the Butlerian Jihad)的 宗教戰爭 ,先進的 電腦 與 人工智慧 早已被禁用,該戰爭的結果被描述 「機械邏輯之神被大眾推翻了」。 經過各宗教勢力間多次跨宗教會議與交流協調後,宗教大同編譯委員會成立以阻止戰爭的再次爆發,同時確立了所有宗教的共同戒律 「汝等不得減損靈魂的價值。」 後發表了 《奧蘭治合一聖書》 ,該戰爭留下的誡命亦載於此書中: 「汝等不得製造機器去假冒人的思維。(Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.)」。